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Choosing Immigration to Germany through Business Registration

Migrating to Germany for Work Through Business Registration is one of the attractive and popular routes for new businesses and activities in the German job market. With a strong economy, dynamic job market, and suitable business environment, Germany is considered a desirable destination for entrepreneurs and cutting-edge technology enterprises.

Why Germany

Start Now and Immigration Through Business Registration in Germany

Start Now company offers a comprehensive range of services for immigration through business registration in Germany. They assist you in navigating through the complex process with ease. From choosing the appropriate company type and establishing the legal structure to preparing necessary documents and obtaining visas, the specialized team at Start Now supports you throughout all stages to ensure the best outcome for your work migration to Germany.

Start Now company's services in immigration through company registration to Germany

The services provided by Start Now company for work migration to Germany through business registration include the following:

  1. Legal and Financial Consultation: The expert team at Start Now assists you in selecting the appropriate company type and establishing a suitable legal structure.

  2. Company Registration: Creating a company in Germany and registering it as a local company or a foreign branch is a crucial step in the work migration process, which is handled by Start Now.

  3. Document Preparation: Start Now meticulously prepares the necessary documents for company registration and visa applications, guiding you through these stages.

  4. Visa Acquisition: After company registration, the specialized team at Start Now obtains the relevant work migration visa for you, enabling your entry into Germany.

  5. Post-Migration Support: Even after your migration to Germany, Start Now continues to support you in areas such as residence, financial matters, and legal concerns.

By utilizing the services of Start Now, work migration to Germany through business registration transforms into a positive and successful experience.


In this section, we have tried to answer some of your frequently asked questions

Why is registering a company in Germany useful for immigrating to this country?

The process of registering a company in Germany is one of the effective ways to migrate to this country. This approach offers opportunities to establish business ventures and find employment in the German job market, while also being beneficial for obtaining valid work and residence visas.

What types of companies can be registered in Germany?

In Germany, you can register various types of companies, including joint-stock companies, limited liability companies, foreign branches, and subsidiary companies.

How long does it take to register a company in Germany?

The time required for registering a company in Germany depends on the characteristics and type of the chosen company, but typically this process takes several weeks.

Do I need to reside in this country to register a company in Germany?

Yes, you need to have a residence in Germany to register a company. First, you must obtain a valid residence visa and then proceed with the steps for company registration.

What documents are required to register a company in Germany?

The required documents for registering a company in Germany include identification documents, financial documents, a business plan, translated documents into German, and more.

Statistics of immigration to Germany


Year of work experience


Successful project

Guaranteeing the project

24 hour support

Comments of expats through company registration in Germany

Comments of some expats through company registration in Germany through Start Now