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Educational Migration to Germany

Studying in Germany is a popular option for international students. With its world-class universities and diverse academic programs, Germany is recognized as an attractive educational destination.

Why Germany

Why should I choose Germany to study?

Germany, with its top universities and the opportunity for free education in state universities and colleges, is one of the favored destinations for international students. The presence of high-level universities, cost-effective education, and the possibility of working while studying has attracted a considerable number of students from around the world to Germany.

The key features and benefits of studying in Germany include:

  1. Free Education in State Universities and Colleges: Universities and state colleges in Germany are almost free for students from international minorities and the European Union. This advantage has made Germany an extremely appealing choice for global students.

  2. Presence of Top Universities: Germany boasts numerous prestigious and globally recognized universities that offer diverse educational programs and facilities for students.

  3. Opportunity to Work While Studying: International students are allowed to work for a certain duration while studying. With the permission to work for 120 full days or 240 half-days per year, students can cover a portion of their living expenses.

  4. Academic Environment with Global Standards: Students in Germany have access to a high-standard academic environment and a dynamic academic culture. They enhance their skills and knowledge using advanced facilities.

In conclusion, Germany’s academic landscape, characterized by top-tier universities, tuition-free opportunities in state institutions, the ability to work during studies, and a globally recognized educational environment, makes it an attractive destination for international students

Start Now, a startup company, also aids students and immigrants interested in studying in Germany by creating diverse articles about various aspects of studying in Germany. These articles cover topics such as financial empowerment for education, introductions to academic fields, and the necessary documents for embassies. This assistance enables individuals to gather essential information and make informed decisions about their educational pursuits in Germany. These opportunities and advantages contribute to making studying in Germany an appealing journey filled with opportunities and challenges, offering students and researchers a suitable platform for growth and progress.

Advantages of studying in Germany

  • Free Education Opportunity to Work During Studies
  • Possibility of Receiving
  • Grants or Scholarships
  • Possibility of Family Accompaniment (Spouse and Children Under 18) for Married Individuals

Financial status section in studying immigration to Germany

It is indeed true that financial capability is one of the important and necessary factors for continuing education in Germany. International students must demonstrate that they have sufficient financial means to cover the living and education expenses in Germany.

The required amount of financial proof for continuing education in Germany might vary based on the policies and guidelines of different universities and immigration authorities. However, most universities generally require around 12,324 euros (equivalent to about 1,027 euros per month) as proof of financial means. This amount is intended to cover living expenses, accommodation, tuition fees, and other related costs of student life in Germany.

To provide financial proof, students need to have the mentioned amount in their bank account in Iran and obtain a bank certificate that indicates the required financial balance. This certificate should be presented to the German Embassy or Consulate in Iran to obtain a student visa.

Additionally, to ensure that students have the required financial means upon entry to Germany, they need to block the necessary amount in one of the German banks. This means that the required amount will not be withdrawable from the bank account and can only be used for the student’s living expenses.

Financial capability is one of the aspects that students need to pay attention to in order to smoothly and without issues pursue their education in Germany. By adhering to these guidelines and ensuring sufficient financial means, students can have a successful educational experience in one of the top countries in the world.

Documents required for study immigration to Germany

Regardless of your religion, in order to obtain a study visa for Germany, you will need to submit certain documents to the German Embassy. These documents include:

  1. Letter of acceptance from the university
  2. German language proficiency certificate
  3. Proof of financial resources
  4. Academic certificates and transcripts
  5. Statement of purpose for studying
  6. Curriculum vitae (CV) detailing your educational background and experiences
  7. Proof of employment activities (if applicable)
  8. Health insurance certificate
  9. Valid passport
  10. Biometric passport-sized photo
  11. Completed visa application form (Videx form)
  12. Payment of the application processing fee.

Study visa package services (university and college)

  • Providing the Applicant with a List of Required Documents to Initiate the Application Process
  • Conducting the Process of Academic Document Equivalency Evaluation
  • Analyzing and Evaluating Universities by State and Providing Consultation for Optimal University Selection
  • Assessing Resumes and Motivation Letters, and Compiling Them If Necessary
    Obtaining the Acceptance Letter from the Chosen University and Sending an Invitation to the Applicant
  • Completing and Verifying the Visa Application Form and Other Relevant Forms
  • Offering Travel Insurance, which Plays a Vital Role in the Visa Acquisition Process
  • Preparation for the Embassy Interview Throughout the Visa Application Process
  • Providing Support in Germany for Converting the Visa into a German Residence Permit


In this section, we have tried to answer some of your frequently asked questions

How can I immigrate to Germany through education?

To migrate to Germany through education, you must first be accepted by a university or higher education institution in Germany. To do so, you need to submit an application for university admission in your desired field of study. Upon acceptance, you can proceed with the steps for migration and obtaining a student visa.

How long does it take to get accepted to a university in Germany?

The duration of university acceptance in Germany varies and depends on the university and the chosen field of study. Some universities offer quicker acceptance processes, while others might require more extensive evaluations, which could prolong the acceptance timeline.

What documents are required to apply for admission to German universities?

The required documents for admission to German universities may vary. However, generally, you will need to provide documents such as academic transcripts, resume, letters of recommendation, and language proficiency certificates (such as IELTS or TOEFL) when applying for admission

Do I need to know German to study in Germany?

Yes, many academic programs in Germany are conducted in the German language. Therefore, proficiency in the German language is often required for admission to higher education programs

Statistics of immigration to Germany


Year of work experience


Successful project

Guaranteeing the project

24 hour support

Opinions of academic immigrants to Germany

The opinions of some study migrants to Germany through the company Start Now