
German Chance Card

The ‘Chance Card’ is a new strategy introduced by Germany to attract a workforce. According to statistics released in 2022, Germany is facing a shortage of 1.7 million workers and, as a result, has no solution other than attracting migrant labor. The German government has implemented new policies to attract migrant workers through a new migration system that allows migrants to immigrate to Germany even without a concrete job offer.

Chance Card

German Chance Card

In order for applicants to benefit from this new migration program, they need to earn a certain score which is awarded based on specific criteria. The minimum required score to obtain the ‘Chance Card’ is also dependent on the designated criteria set by the German government

This article provides answers to these questions and information related to the new migration program in Germany. If you have any questions regarding this topic or immigration to Germany, please share them with us in the comments section below the article. Stay tuned with us to gain access to new and practical information in this field.

German chance card conditions

According to the new immigration law in Germany, individuals who successfully obtain the ‘Chance Card’ for work migration to Germany are those who manage to attain at least the required minimum score for immigration. This new migration system, designed based on the U.S. ‘Green Card’ model, will be implemented in March by Germany’s Minister of Labor, Hubertus Heil. The main goal of this system is to attract skilled labor from non-European Union countries to Germany.

Individuals aspiring to migrate to Germany through this system must meet the following conditions:

  1. Possess a valid educational degree.
  2. Have a minimum of three years of relevant work experience.
  3. Be proficient in the German language.
  4. Be under the age of 35.

If individuals meet all these conditions and earn the necessary score, they can benefit from this new migration program for work in Germany and obtain the ‘Chance Card.’ This card grants individuals conditional migration and employment rights and is awarded based on their skills and abilities in the required fields within the job market

How to Calculate Chance Card Score

To obtain the ‘Chance Card’ and migrate to Germany through the ‘Chance Card’ migration program, individuals must earn a minimum of 6 points based on the specified criteria. These criteria include the following, and each criterion’s points have an impact on obtaining the ‘Chance Card:

  1. Educational Qualification: Having a specific professional qualification (educational degree) can earn you 4 points.

    Therefore, by scoring a minimum of 6 points from these criteria, you can obtain your ‘Chance Card’ for migration to Germany. These points contribute to increasing your chances of success in acceptance and migration to Germany.

  2. Work Experience: Having a minimum of three years of relevant work experience in the desired profession can earn you 3 points.
    German Language Proficiency: Having German language proficiency at B2 level can earn you 2 points, and proficiency at B1 level can earn you 1 point.

  3. Age: Being under 35 years old can earn you 2 points, while being over 35 can earn you 1 point.

  4. Sponsorship: Having a sponsor in Germany can earn you 1 point.

  5. Previous Residence in Germany: Having a legal residence history of at least 6 months in Germany within the last five years can earn you 1 point.

Do You Know ?!

The maximum score a prospective candidate for the 'Chance Card' can attain is 13 points.

Required Documents for the Germany's Chance Card

The required documents for applying for the Germany’s Chance Card include:

  1. Educational and Job Documents in German: You must translate your educational and job documents into German through an official translation and upload them electronically.
  2.  German Language Certificate: To prove your German language proficiency, you need to provide a valid certificate indicating your language level. Identification.
  3. Passport: You also need to upload copies of your identification documents, such as your passport.

Additionally, you may likely need to provide documents demonstrating your financial ability to support yourself during your temporary stay in Germany. However, the exact financial requirements have not been announced yet, so it’s best to wait for official information from German immigration authorities.

Finally, individuals who successfully obtain at least the required minimum score for the Chance Card can receive the Chance Card for work migration to Germany and, by presenting it to the German Embassy, obtain a temporary migration visa. After securing a job position in Germany and providing the necessary documents to the immigration office there, they can obtain their work residence permit. After living in Germany for 3 years, they can apply for German citizenship. However, more precise information regarding the duration of stay for Chance Card holders in Germany may be announced in the future.


In this section, we have tried to provide answers to some of your frequently asked questions

What is the scoring system like?

According to this law, there are four criteria with a total of 13 points, and it’s sufficient to have just 6 points.

Is educational qualification also a criterion?

Yes; relevant educational qualification also affects the points.

Does age also affect the Chance Card?

Yes, if you are under 35 years old, you can earn 2 points.

If we have previously lived in Germany, can we earn points

Yes, if you have lived in Germany for 6 months in the last 5 years, you can earn 1 point.

Statistics of immigration to Germany


Year of work experience


Successful project

Guaranteeing the project

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