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Immigrate to Germany

Immigration to Germany

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Migration to Germany is possible through various pathways, offering diverse opportunities. As one of the world’s leading industrial nations located at the heart of Europe, Germany presents numerous attractions for migrants from around the world. From its northern coastline along the North Sea, Denmark, and the Baltic Sea, to its eastern borders with Poland and the Czech Republic, southern borders with Austria and Switzerland, and western borders with France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands, Germany boasts a wide range of geographical diversity.

Germany operates as a federal country with 16 states, each having its own constitution, yet all functioning under the umbrella of the federal government.

With a population of around 83 million, equivalent to that of Iran, Germany’s population density and extensive job market are influential factors in attracting migrants to the country.

Migration to Germany can occur through various pathways:

  1. Education in Germany: With top universities and diverse study programs, Germany is a popular destination for international students. Outstanding educational and research facilities, along with a variety of specialized fields, make Germany appealing to students and researchers worldwide.

  2. Working in Germany: Due to severe shortages of skilled labor in certain industries and professions, Germany is actively seeking skilled and specialized workers from other countries. German employers are ready to attract skilled migrants and provide suitable job opportunities. Additionally, the German government eases acceptance conditions each year to improve its labor force shortage.

  3. Skills Training Programs (Ausbildung): Germany offers a variety of skills training programs to migrants, enabling them to enter the German job market by learning new skills.

  4. Company Registration and Entrepreneurship: Some migrants move to Germany to establish their businesses. Germany’s entrepreneurial laws provide a suitable environment for startups, offering ample opportunities for successful business ventures.

  5. Chance Card (Karte Chance): The Chance Card is a new strategy introduced by Germany to attract the workforce it requires. As of March, Germany is implementing a new points-based migration system, allowing migrants to move to Germany even without a concrete job offer.

Start Now offers consultancy regarding these matters, assisting migrants in acquiring necessary information about various migration pathways to Germany. This helps individuals make well-informed decisions about their future.

آلمان قدرتمندترین اقتصاد اروپا

آلمان به‌عنوان قدرتمندترین اقتصاد اتحادیه اروپا، با سیستم اقتصادی سوسیال و مدیریت بازار اقتصادی، به عنوان یکی از کشورهای پیشرو در جهان محسوب می‌شود. یکی از ویژگی‌های مهم آلمان از نظر اقتصادی، کمبود نیروی کار متخصص و کارآمد است، که این امر باعث جلب نیروی کار مهاجر از کشورهای دیگر شده است.

با درصد پایین فساد اقتصادی، آلمان به عنوان یک کشور با انضباط اقتصادی و مدیریت شفاف در حوزه‌های مختلف شناخته می‌شود. این کشور بسیاری از صنایع و بخش‌های اقتصادی خود را بر پایه نوآوری و تکنولوژی‌های نوین تأمین می‌کند که این امر باعث افزایش توانمندی و رقابت‌پذیری آن در بازارهای جهانی شده است.

تولید ناخالص ملی آلمان به اندازه 3.806 تریلیون دلار است که این میزان بسیار بالاتر از تولید ناخالص داخلی ایران به مبلغ 191.7 میلیارد دلار است. این اختلاف نشان‌دهنده رشد و توسعه قوی آلمان در حوزه اقتصادی است و باعث شده تا آلمان چهارمین صادرکننده جهان باشد.

مهاجرت به آلمان فرصتی برای تحصیل، کار و زندگی در یکی از قدرتمندترین اقتصادهای جهان را به ارمغان می‌آورد. این فرصت باعث می‌شود تا مهاجران از سراسر جهان با اعتماد به نفس و استفاده از امکانات پیشرفته و زیرساخت‌های به‌روز آلمان، زندگی پایدار و حرفه‌ای را تجربه کنند. با وجود ثبات اقتصادی و فرصت‌های شغلی گسترده، مهاجرت به آلمان می‌تواند برای افراد جوان و خانواده‌ها فرصت مناسبی باشد تا آینده خوبی را در این کشور تجربه کنند.

سیاست در آلمان

صحیح است که دولت آلمان یک جمهوری دموکراتیک و پارلمانی است که دارای دو نهاد قانون‌گذاری مهم به نام‌های “بوندستاگ” (Bundestag) و “بوندسرات” (Bundesrat) می‌باشد.

2-بوندستاگ (Bundestag): بوندستاگ نهاد قانون‌گذاری پارلمانی آلمان است. اعضای این مجلس از طریق انتخابات عمومی بازنشسته می‌شوند. تعداد نمایندگان بوندستاگ حدوداً ۶۸۰ نفر است و این نمایندگان به مدت چهار سال به انتخاب می‌شوند. بوندستاگ نقش مهمی در تصویب قوانین، بررسی و ارزیابی بودجه، نظارت بر دولت و انجام کارهای قانون‌گذاری دارد. همچنین، نخست‌وزیر (صدر اعظم) که رهبر اکثریت در بوندستاگ است، به عنوان رئیس دولت و مدیر اجرایی آلمان انتخاب می‌شود.

2-بوندسرات (Bundesrat): بوندسرات نهاد دیگری از قانون‌گذاری آلمان است که در آن نمایندگان ایالت‌ها حضور دارند. هر ایالت فدرال آلمان نماینده‌های خود را به تعدادی معین به بوندسرات اعزام می‌کند. اعضای بوندسرات نمایندگان ایالت‌ها هستند و برای رفع اختلافات میان ایالت‌ها و دولت فدرال نقش مهمی دارد. این نهاد نیز نقشی مهم در تصویب قوانین دارد و می‌تواند پیشنهادهای بوندستاگ را تأیید یا رد کند.

رئیس‌جمهور آلمان مقام نمادینی است و از لحاظ قدرت سیاسی نقش فعالی ندارد. نخست‌وزیر، که همانا رهبر اکثریت در بوندستاگ است، به عنوان مدیر اجرایی دولت و مسئول انجام سیاست‌ها و امور اجرایی کشور عمل می‌کند. هرچند رئیس‌جمهور دارای برخی وظایف نمادین مانند تعیین وقایع رسمی و امضاء قوانین است ولی بر اساس قوانین آلمان، بیشتر مسائل اجرایی و سیاست‌گذاری توسط نخست‌وزیر و بوندستاگ انجام می‌شود.

Start Now services

Migration Consultation

Undoubtedly, receiving appropriate consultation from experienced and knowledgeable experts plays a crucial role in making impactful decisions, such as migration. Proper consultation can guide you in selecting the right path and approach to reach your desired goals. Incorrect consultation not only wastes your time and money but can also lead to unsuccessful outcomes.

Types of Migration Consultation

  1. General Consultation (Free): In this type of consultation, you have the opportunity to briefly discuss your migration possibilities with Start Now’s migration experts for up to 15 minutes, free of charge. This initial consultation provides you with a preliminary understanding of your migration options.

  2. Individual and Specialized Consultation: If, during the general consultation, you determine that migration is possible based on your circumstances, the next step is individual and specialized consultation. This detailed consultation involves a thorough examination of your educational, occupational, and personal background by Start Now’s experts. Through this consultation, you will identify the most suitable and low-risk migration path for yourself.

After the specialized consultation, you can proceed with your chosen migration path either on your own or with the assistance of Start Now’s migration packages.

Individual and specialized consultation helps you avoid common mistakes in selecting a migration path. Therefore, it’s necessary to submit all your educational and work documents, along with your personal resume, to our team before the consultation. If you decide to take advantage of Start Now’s migration packages, the fee for the individual consultation will be deducted from the final package cost.

Visa and Residence Packages for Germany:

Study Visa Package (University and College):

  • Providing a list of required documents to initiate the application process.
  • Handling the process of academic credential evaluation.
  • Analyzing and advising on suitable university options based on your profile.
  • Assistance in creating and enhancing your resume and motivation letter.
  • Obtaining the acceptance letter from the chosen university and sending the invitation letter to the applicant.
  • Completing visa application forms and other relevant forms.
  • Providing travel insurance, a crucial element during the visa application process.
  • Preparing for the embassy interview during the visa application process.
  • Providing support in Germany for converting the visa to a residence permit.

Work Visa Package:

  • Providing a list of required documents to initiate the application process.
  • Handling the process of academic and work credential evaluation.
  • Preparing a tailored resume and application letter for prospective employers.
  • Analyzing the job market in different states to find suitable employment opportunities and employers.
  • Facilitating the acquisition of a job offer aligned with the applicant’s educational background or work experience.
  • Drafting and obtaining a work contract with the employer.
  • Assisting with interview preparation for successful job interviews.
  • Completing visa application forms and securing the work visa for Germany.
  • Providing support in Germany for further residence permit processes.

Ausbildung Visa Package (Skills Training Programs):

  • Providing a list of required documents to initiate the application process.
  • Handling the process of credential evaluation for Ausbildung.
  • Analyzing the job market to find suitable Ausbildung opportunities.
  • Preparing a tailored resume and application letter for prospective employers.
  • Preparing for successful interviews with employers.
  • Drafting and obtaining an Ausbildung contract with the employer.
  • Assisting with filling out visa application forms and securing the Ausbildung visa for Germany.
  • Providing support in Germany for the residence permit conversion process.

Embassy Form Completion and Interview Preparation Services: Having a complete and error-free application package, along with successful interview preparation, can significantly expedite the visa approval process. Our expert team can assist you throughout these stages to ensure a smooth and successful application process.

Translation Services (Written and Oral):

  • Certified translation of documents.
  • Oral translation services.

Visa Appointment Scheduling Service (VisaMetric):

  • Assistance in scheduling visa appointments.

Start Now Language School Services:

  • Start Now’s language school services.

Post-Migration Support Services: Assistance after the completion of the migration process.


A variety of methods Immigration to Germany

Educational immigration

Studying in Germany is a popular option for students. With the world's top universities and diverse study programs, Germany is known as an attractive study destination. Stay with us for more information.

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work migration

The lack of labor is a burden on the German economy. Compared to America, another big economy in the world, Germany is one step higher and is in dire need of labor force. Stay with us for more information.

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Immigration through company registration

Immigration through German company registration allows people to enter the country and establish a company in Germany, so that they can implement their work and business opportunities independently.

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Chance Card

The lucky card is Germany's new strategy for attracting labor. According to the statistics published in 2022, Germany is facing a shortage of 1.7 million workers and therefore has no choice but to attract migrant workers. The German government will implement new policies to attract migrant labor through a new points-based immigration system starting in March, which will allow migrants to immigrate to Germany even without a firm job offer.

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Migration through Ausbildung

Ausbildung means an educational and educational process that prepares a person for a specific job. You have to go through a training course through Asbildung. This training usually lasts for several years and can be in various fields such as mechanics, electronics, carpentry, medicine, law, etc.

Types of ausbildung fields

Photography Ausbildung

Are you familiar with the photography course in Germany (Fotograf/in)? Do you have information about the skills taught in this profession? Are you aware of ...
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Ausbildung care assistant for the elderly

Are you familiar with the profession of “Altenpflegehelfer/in,” which is a care assistant for the elderly in Germany? Do you have information about the details ...
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Ausbildung building painter

Are you familiar with the profession of a painter and decorator (Maler/in und Lackierer/in) in Germany? Do you know the skills related to this profession ...
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Heavy vehicle driver Ausbildung

Are you familiar with the concepts related to the profession of driving heavy machinery in Germany? Do you have information about the necessary training for ...
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Ausbildung road construction

Are you familiar with the profession of “Straßenbauer/in” (Road Construction Worker) in Germany? Do you know in which branches the apprenticeship in this profession is ...
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Ausbildung brickwork

Are you familiar with the apprenticeship program for bricklaying in Germany (Ausbildung zum/zur Maurer/in)? Do you know in which branches the skills training in this ...
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Animal Care Ausbildung

Are you familiar with the field of “Ausbildung mit Tieren” (Animal Care Training) in Germany? Do you know what skills are taught in this profession? ...
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Ausbildung bookseller

Are you familiar with the studies related to the profession of “Buchhändler/in” (Bookseller) in Germany? Do you have information about the educational aspects of this ...
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Ausbildung insulation of the building

The insulation work course for building construction in Germany is offered in a theoretical and practical format and spans a duration of three years. Throughout ...
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Ausbildung Pharmaceuticals

The pharmaceutical “Ausbildung” (training) course in Germany typically lasts for about 3.5 years. This course combines theoretical and practical training. Upon completion of the course, ...
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Physiotherapy Ausbildung

In this course in Germany, you will become familiar with the human skeletal structure, as well as how they connect to muscles and tendons. By ...
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Ausbildung dental assistant

The duration of the Ausbildung course for dental assistants in Germany will be three years. In this course, you will not only participate in theoretical ...
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Anesthesiologist Ausbildung

“Assistant Anesthesia Training” is a three-year program in which you can participate in practical classes in addition to theoretical classes. In these classes, various aspects ...
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Nursing Ausbildung

Nursing education in Germany usually takes about three years to complete. This program consists of a combination of theoretical lessons and practical training. The theoretical ...
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