Choose Ausbildung

Immigration to Germany through Ausbildung

Ausbildung, meaning a training and educational process that prepares an individual for a specific profession. Through Ausbildung, you must complete a training course.

Why Ausbildung

Why Ausbildung?

Ausbildung is one of the pathways for migration to Germany, offered in the form of vocational training courses. These courses provide the opportunity for theoretical and practical education in various fields, with a variable duration ranging from 2 to 3.5 years. Individuals participating in these courses receive a stipend throughout the training period, which increases annually over time. During the Ausbildung program, you are allowed to reside in Germany, and upon completion, you can enter into an employment contract with an employer and extend your stay.

Benefits of Participating in Ausbildung Programs and Migrating to Germany

  1. Acquiring Professional Skills: These courses provide you with the opportunity to learn professional skills in various fields, preparing you for entry into the German job market.

  2. Rights and Income: The stipend you receive during the Ausbildung program helps you cover your living expenses to some extent while simultaneously enhancing your skills.

  3. Opportunity for Life in One of the Strongest Countries: Germany is one of the world’s strongest economies and advanced nations, offering you the chance to live in a dynamic and progressive environment.

  4. Potential for Professional Advancement: By gaining the necessary skills and participating in Ausbildung programs, you can move towards more advanced roles in your professional field and experience better job opportunities.

Start Now Company also drafts and publishes articles related to Ausbildung programs to provide useful and practical information in this field to students and individuals aspiring to migrate to Germany. These articles encompass introductions to Ausbildung fields, required financial competence, necessary documentation for embassies, and other details relevant to this migration path that applicants can benefit from. By reading these articles, students and those interested in migrating to Germany can embark on a successful and rewarding journey in their education and profession.

  1. Abundant and Reliable Job Opportunities in Germany with Suitable Salaries
  2. Utilization of this Credential in Finding Suitable Job Opportunities in Other Countries such as the United States and Canada, Due to the High Credibility of Ausbildung Programs in Other Countries
  3. Possibility of Career Advancement and Further Studies in Supplementary Courses
  4. Obtaining a Residence Visa for Germany during the Ausbildung Program and the Potential for German Citizenship at the End of the Course

Types of Ausbildung

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Duale Berufsschule
"Ausbildung programs in Germany have various features and types, and one of the most common forms is the Dual Education System. This educational system is implemented dually, offering a combination of theoretical education and practical work experience. Throughout the training period, students receive a monthly stipend, allowing them to cover their living expenses to some extent. In this system, students attend a vocational school (Berufsschule) for approximately 2 to 3.5 years during the week, where they learn theoretical lessons. Another portion of their training time is spent at a specific company or factory, where they apply their skills practically. This provides students with the opportunity to become familiar with real industry conditions and enhance their vocational skills. One of the advantages of this type of education is that individuals with a high school diploma can also participate in these courses. Additionally, after completing the program, excellent opportunities for professional engagement in Germany emerge, and graduates can easily enter the job market. In general, the Dual Education System is an effective method for learning vocational skills in Germany, offering individuals the opportunity to step into a better professional and work environment through hands-on learning and practical experience.
Schulische Ausbildung
In Ausbildung scholastic, you undergo a training program that lasts between 2 to 3.5 years. Initially, you receive theoretical education related to your chosen profession in specialized schools known as 'Berufsfachschule' (vocational schools). Upon completing this instructional phase, your apprenticeship period begins, during which you receive compensation solely for your work. The apprenticeship phase is a designated duration during which you engage in practical work within a company or workshop in exchange for remuneration. Scholastic Ausbildung is typically conducted only in specific schools, universities, or colleges, referred to as 'Schulische Ausbildung' or 'School-based Training'. In these courses, you learn both theoretical and practical vocational skills, and upon finishing Scholastic Ausbildung, it provides you with a better future opportunity to embark on careers and further learning in various industries in Germany.
This type of Ausbildung takes between 3 to 5 years and provides you with the necessary skills in your chosen professional field.

Affordability in Asbildong

The discussion of financial capability is one of the crucial aspects when considering admission to Ausbildung courses in Germany. This matter particularly depends on the type and conditions of the Ausbildung program you intend to enroll in. If the course you plan to join offers an acceptable stipend, you will not need to provide financial proof. However, if the monthly stipend from the Ausbildung program is insufficient, you must also present financial proof.

If financial proof is required, you will need to provide an amount of around 920 euros per month as financial assurance to the embassy or relevant authorities. This amount is utilized to cover your living expenses throughout the duration of the Ausbildung program. The financial capability requirement for Ausbildung courses ensures confidence in your financial capacity as an acceptable criterion for participation in these programs.

Affordability in Ausbildung

Surely, for obtaining an Ausbildung visa, you will need to provide documents to the German embassy. These documents include:

  1. Ausbildung contract
  2. Enrollment confirmation
  3. Passport
  4. B2-level German language certificate
  5. Officially translated academic documents
  6. Resume
  7. Statement of motivation
  8. Financial assurance (if required)
  9. Travel insurance (minimum of three months)

Ausbildong visa package services

  • Providing the list of required documents to the applicant for initiating the application process. 
  • Assessing and conducting the process of academic document equivalency (Ausbildung).
  • Analyzing and researching the job market to find a suitable Ausbildung opportunity according to the applicant’s request.
  • Creating a resume and tailored cover letter for presentation to the employer.
  • Assisting and preparing the applicant for job interviews to increase the success rate.
  • Drafting the Ausbildung contract between the employer and the applicant.
  • Enrolling the apprentice in the school for the theoretical part of the Ausbildung program.
  • Completing work visa forms.
  • Obtaining a work visa for Germany and overseeing all related procedures.

Types of ausbildung fields

Ausbildung, meaning vocational training, refers to an educational and learning process that prepares an individual for a specific job. Through Ausbildung, you are required to undergo a training course. This training usually spans several years and can cover various fields such as mechanics, electronics, carpentry, medicine, law, and more.

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In this section, we have tried to answer some of your frequently asked questions

What is 'Ausbildung,' and why is migration to Germany through this pathway beneficial?

Answer: “Ausbildung” is a migration program for skilled migrants who are directly employed by German employers through a structured training process. This pathway provides you with the opportunity to reside and work in Germany without the need for a prior job offer agreement.

What conditions are necessary for migration through the Ausbildung pathway?

Answer: “To migrate through the Ausbildung pathway, you need to possess the required skills that are in demand in the German job market. Additionally, you must have an agreement with a German employer and initiate a job application through them.

How long does it take to migrate to Germany after succeeding in Ausbildung?

Answer: “After succeeding in Ausbildung and obtaining a work permit, you can migrate to Germany and initiate the process for a long-term residence permit.

What role does the employer play in migration through the Ausbildung pathway?

Answer: The German employer plays a crucial role in migration through the Ausbildung pathway. They need to formalize an employment agreement with you and obtain the necessary documents for your employment in an official capacity.

Does migration through Ausbildung (Vocational Training) also provide the possibility of immigrating with our family?

Answer: Yes, after successful migration through Ausbildung (Vocational Training), you can bring your family along to Germany and initiate family reunification.

Statistics of immigration to Germany


Year of work experience


Successful project

Guaranteeing the project

24 hour support

Opinions of Migrants about Ausbildung to Germany

Opinions of some Ausbildung Migrants to Germany through Start Now