Post-Migration Services

Undoubtedly, one of the most significant concerns and challenges after obtaining a visa and immigrating is creating suitable and ideal conditions for a new life abroad. Many individuals, during the initial days of migration, face challenges and issues related to setting up basic and normal living conditions, as well as accessing everyday needs. These challenges are often not easily solvable for newcomers due to cultural differences and varying laws. Therefore, Start Now is here to stand by your side during these moments, helping you address and overcome these challenges. We will continue to support you until you achieve stability in your new life.

Here is a description of some of the post-migration services provided by Start Now:

1- Consultation and assistance in finding suitable housing

One of the biggest concerns for immigrants is finding suitable housing in the shortest possible time. The migration team at Start Now can assist you in achieving this goal by leveraging the expertise and experience of our social services colleagues in this field. We’ll help you find appropriate housing within the right timeframe.

2- Consultation and assistance in responding to official and administrative letters

Given that letter writing is common and almost all administrative and official matters are handled through letters in some countries, and also that the texts of these letters are often complex and challenging to understand from both a language and legal perspective, it’s important to have individuals who are familiar with the culture and laws in this area. Our colleagues at Start Now can guide you in this aspect.

3- Consultation and assistance in arranging essential contracts

When living abroad, essential services such as mobile phone lines, energy, necessary insurances, internet, and housing rentals often require contractual arrangements between providers and consumers. It’s crucial to be cautious in this area and consult with experts to prevent potential harm and loss by properly arranging contracts.

4- Consultation for obtaining licenses and certifications

Having the ability to drive and rent a vehicle is a necessity in many countries. It’s noteworthy that a driver’s license from a country like ours is highly regarded and valid in many parts of the world due to its strict legal procedures for issuance. Our team at Start Now will guide you on how to obtain this license quickly and cost-effectively.

These services, among others, are designed to assist you in the challenges you may face after migration and to help you settle comfortably in your new environment. At Start Now, we’re dedicated to supporting you throughout this process